DaisySTicK assay for Pregnancy Probability

What does a non-pregnant cow cost your business? Dairy farms with 1000 cows currently lose about $30,000 / year in breeding costs.

Oratel Diagnostics LLC has a novel simple 1 step color test technology that:

  • identifies pregnancy probability early in estrus.
  • identifies which recipients are eligible for embryo transfer
  • identifies response to changes in estrogen

Our technology uses a patented color changing technology to improve the odds to getting your cows pregnant. A simply easy to use sample collector pen is used to collect a vaginal mucosal sample.


After the sample has collected simply take a picture with your cell phone using the OratelDiagnostics App and upload it to Oratel.


Our image analysis technology will analyze the sample image and compute the probability of pregnancy.

NotFertile Do not inseminate. Low chance of pregnancy.

Fertile Inseminate. Increased chance of pregnancy when combined with progesterone assay.

We provide training and customizable data technology solutions including data storage, tracking, and statistical analyses.

Our technology can partner with your genetic with your existing technology and management style.